Tuesday, May 8, 2007

We're leaving tomorrow!

We're still packing and hoping we've covered everything. Please pray for the boys and grandparents as we travel, 16 days seems like a very long time! Also, pray for our safety and little Marygrace, whose whole world is about to be turned upside down.
We would love to hear your comments and have them for Marygrace to read when she is older. To leave a comment, just click on comments below our post and leave your message. If you choose other or anonymous you do not need a password or account. Just press publish message and you're done!


staugie said...

Scott & Kelley,

Hey, guys, can't believe the time is here already. God has been preparing you and your family for this day. You are ready!

This blog is really cool, that you can keep some snapshots of this beautiful "work of God" and save it for Marygrace to read and keep when she is older.

I admire you guys and the way you have opened your lives to God in this way. I will be praying for you and can't wait to see Marygrace in person, God willing.

As you know,one of the richest blessings of the Christian life is that we have been "adopted" into God's family. I was sharing with our kids last night, that no matter what happens, you will always be a part of a loving family, God's. "In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will--to the praise of his glorious grace..." Eph. 1:5-6 (NIV)

For His glory and your joy,
Tim Augustyn

Anonymous said...

I am a friend of your mother and she has been talking about you and showing off your pictures all year, ever since she got the word that you would be able to join their family. She is so excited to finally bring you home and we here at Our Lady of the Wayside School are very anxious to meet you also. Marygrace, you're going to find LOTS of love in your new home, so welcome to the Seafield family and WELCOME TO AMERICA!!!

Anonymous said...

Scott and Kelley, Jeff is tracking your flight as you fly to get your new daughter, it is a little hard to believe I bet for you as well. Marygrace is going to be happy in her new home. I know people will say she is lucky but I am sure you feel luckier to be adding her to your/our family. Can't wait to meet her cute little face. Love, Lara

Heather McWestwood said...

Hey guys!!

I'm sooo jealous right now. You're going to love the sights, and I hope you take pictures.

Any advice I may have primarily consists of watch your wallet! There are a lot of beggers on the street and its horribly sad, but they are more aggressive in China than in the US and you will obviously stick out a bit. OH.... and ummmm... if you get sick of Chinese food... there's always KFC :) and quite a few starbucks!

Love you all!! Miss you and can't wait to see my new niece!!!

Lil Sis