Saturday, September 29, 2007

Surgery Scheduled!

Marygrace will have have her first cochlear implant surgery on Oct. 23. This is the same day that we decided she would become part of our family last year. What a special day for Marygrace! We are thrilled that she will have the opportunity to hear and we are especially thrilled that she is a part of our family!!! Please pray for the surgery to go well with no unforeseen complications. They will turn on the implant 3 weeks after the surgery and Marygrace will have to learn to listen and connect sounds with the source. It will be a very scary and exciting time for her. We will measure her progress over months not weeks, but hope that over the next year her speech and language skills will develop. Also, please pray that we will be approved for her second implant before the end of the year. We would love not to get hit with a new deductable and have to hit our out of pocket limit next year. Merck is also switching insurance Jan. 1 and there is some concern that a second implant may not be covered. Thus, it would be great if we could do it before the end of the year!

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