Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Finally, An Update!

Dear Family and Friends,

I will try to continue to update this site as there is new information about Marygrace's hearing, etc. We will be going for an audiological evaluation next Tuesday and will see Dr. Young, the head of otolaryngology at Children's Memorial Hospital on July 2. Marygrace is adjusting well to our family and we are all enjoying having a toddler in the house. We have been busy with out of town visitors and getting together with family and friends. Marygrace is very social and does pretty well with others, although she doesn't let others hold her for very long. She loves the park (especially the swings), bike rides, and her favorite is the pool. We have a major water bug! Whenever we are upstairs she takes off her clothes and points to the bathtub. We have been going to our public pool and she has a fit at rest break and when it's time to leave. We had a playdate yesterday with her friend, Sheehan who has been home from China since Sept., it was fun! I'll try to post more pictures soon. I hope everyone is having a great summer!

God Bless,

1 comment:

Heather BT said...

I'll pray for good results for you, we're getting Acer's eyes tested with a sedated ultrasound on Thursday, so I know the nerves & thoughts you must be having.